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Missing in Action: Information Design and Publication

As a part of my graduation course, I worked on a self-driven 4-month-long design graduation project that aimed to delve deep into the complex issue of gender disparity within Indian cinema involving a comprehensive exploration and analysis of the issue using data visualization as the medium to shed light on the systemic challenges that hinder women’s progress in the Indian film industry.

Sixteen weeks, January - April 2023
Data Collection, Information Design 
Academic Project, mentored by Aarti Oberoi


Take a look at the final book.


a spread from the book (1)


a spread from the book (2)


Research: For this project, I conducted extensive research into the landscape of Indian cinema, examining diverse styles and genres, including art, commercial, and parallel cinema, as well as regional and unconventional films. I also delved into the works of acclaimed filmmakers like Mira Nair, Aparna Sen, Meghna Gulzar, Mrinal Sen, and Ritwik Ghatak, alongside independent filmmakers. My focus shifted towards women in cinema. Despite widespread awareness about the lack of quality representation, there remains a significant dearth of research into the underlying factors contributing to this problem.


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Research notes 

 One significant challenge I encountered was maintaining objectivity when analyzing films. I had to determine the specific aspects I wanted to emphasize and address, considering various factors and defining my objectives and intended messages. My inquiry delved beyond numerical representation, encompassing the qualitative dimensions of how women are depicted. This encompassed factors such as screen time, as well as subtler aspects like the complexity of characters, their role significance, and their individual agency.

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Mind map: Possible direction

All the research led me to the Bechdel test.

To pass the Bechdel test, a film must feature at least two women; these women must talk to each other, and their conversation must concern something other than a man.

Introduced by Alison Bechdel, the Bechdel Test served as the foundation for my research, prompting an exploration of crucial characteristics and issues in media representation. It became a stepping stone for examining various tests and tropes addressing the presence and portrayal of women in the male-dominated film industry. Nine tests, for instance the Pierce Test and Sexy Lamp Test, were selected for relevance. My research, focused on mainstream Indian cinema, aimed to balance comprehensiveness and familiarity by analyzing both Bollywood blockbusters and critically acclaimed films to gauge their efforts in portraying female characters.



Index for various tests discussed in the book

The scarcity of female writers and directors significantly contributes to this imbalance we see every day. Examining film eras and their thematic focus reveals that mainstream Bollywood often neglects the development of female characters. However, the cinematic "Golden Age" of the 1940s to 1960s showcased strong and consistent female roles, as did films addressing climate change. These findings underscore ongoing gender disparities in narratives as recent as 2023, motivating the selection of various tests for analysis, in an attempt to put forward these insights and realisation.


Understanding data visualisation through research and other examples; gathering insights

Considering the tests and project goals, I found that using data visualization stood as the most apparent course of action. I explored data-driven design projects to better understand how data visualization can shape narratives. This helped me draw attention to subtle differences in films that people might overlook, making it easier for them to understand my approach.


Card for referencing the visuals and analyzing data

For the research, around 60 films spanning six decades were meticulously selected, with roughly ten from each decade. This diverse sample aimed to establish a contextual framework for understanding changes over the years. However, the primary focus centered on post-2000 films. Data collection primarily involved watching movies based on predefined parameters derived from tests. The collected data table can be accessed here.

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Data collection and in-depth research on selected films

After collecting the data, my analysis aimed to uncover insights. Simultaneously, I considered effective visual presentation, prioritizing clarity, and visual appeal for easy comprehension. I opted to embed data into compelling, information-rich visuals, seeking a strong connection between visuals and content. Subsequently, I brainstormed and sketched elements that could translate into visuals, aligning them seamlessly with the data and focusing on each test's core concept as the visual foundation.


Basic sketches for the visuals and how to incorporate data - analog

Digital explorations

After outlining the book's structure and content flow, I crafted a detailed table of contents and index for reference. I also worked on visual elements such as typography, colors, and layout, tailored to my target audience. I explored various approaches, focusing on color combinations and fonts that enhanced aesthetic appeal and readability. Each illustration was carefully chosen to complement the content. Rigorous proofreading and quality checks were conducted to ensure a polished, error-free final product, maintaining consistency in layout, typography, and graphics for a seamless reading experience.

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Book size, layout, paper quality along with fonts and color choices

This project underscores the media's crucial role in shaping and perpetuating gender stereotypes, emphasizing the responsibility of media creators to foster balanced portrayals. It advocates for data-driven effort to promote genuine and authentic depictions of women, rather than through a male lens. The project culminates with a compelling call to action, stressing the urgency and significance of effecting change and urging Indian cinema to be better.


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Various people interacting with the book; Work in process

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